The Quilt District Blog
I Just Wanna Quilt
I’ve been interviewed! What? That’s crazy talk. I had such a great time chatting with Elizabeth Townsend Gard of Just Wanna Quilt recently, and the podcast episode is live today! You can listen directly at, or head over to your favorite podcast...
How I Made My Design Wall
I have moved into my new sewing space, and although it isn't finished, it HAD to get a design wall ASAP. I had making to do! After poking around the interwebz, I cobbled together bits of what I learned and made a design wall that works for me and my space. It is large...
Improv Workshop with Gee’s Bend Quilters
We do not remember days, we remember moments. ~ Cesare Pavese Yesterday's Gee's Bend workshop at Heritage Hall in Talladega, Alabama was filled with beautiful moments. China caught me picking apart some fabric strips (which I thought was going rather well), took them...
Movin’ On Up…
Today I start painting the room that will soon be my sewing studio (doesn't that sound fancy?). This was my eldest stepdaughter's room until she went to college, then it was my stepson's room until he went to college four years later. Now, it's going to be MY room....
Can’t Stop This Music
I got word this week that I didn't make the cut as one of the 2018 52Quilters (strike #5 off my 2018 Plan). The Universe is telling me to reserve that energy for another area that needs my attention. To be honest, I'm slightly relieved to have one less thing on my "to...
Comin’ Around the Bend
I had been quilting a year before I saw in person what other quilters were making. I didn't grow up around quilters. I didn't belong to a guild. I hadn't had any in-person classes. I learned the art of quilt making through watching YouTube. Relentlessly. One video led...
How to: Accurate stitch & flip corners
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Makers Gallery!
Send me quality photos of quilts you’ve made with my patterns, and I’ll show off your work in the gallery!